7 Fun Problem Solving Activities to Boost Your Child’s Critical Thinking Skills

As a parent, you want the best for your child. You want them to grow up to be independent, creative thinkers who can solve complex problems. The good news is, that there are many fun activities you can do at home to boost your child’s problem-solving skills and set them up for success.

Problem-solving is a key skill that applies to many areas of life. When children learn problem-solving strategies from an early age, it helps them become more flexible, and creative thinkers. They learn how to break down problems into smaller steps, look for patterns, make inferences, and evaluate options.

The activities below are designed to engage your child’s mind through puzzles, games, and challenges. They encourage logic, critical thinking, and out-of-the-box creativity. Best of all, these activities are fun for adults and kids alike, making them a perfect opportunity for quality time together while enriching your child’s development.

1. Tangram puzzles
2. Pattern blocks
3. Mazes and labyrinths
4. Logic puzzles
5. Riddles and brain teasers
6. Lego challenges
7. Board games

1. Tangram Puzzles

Tangram puzzles are a great way to develop troubleshooting skills in children. Tangrams consist of 7 geometric shapes (5 triangles, 1 square, and 1 parallelogram) that can be arranged to form silhouettes and outlines of animals, people, and objects.

To start, have your child arrange the tangram pieces to match an outline on a puzzle sheet. This helps them visualize how the shapes can fit together. Once they’ve mastered the outlines, challenge them to create their own designs and shapes. This open-ended play boosts creativity and logic skills.


Tangram puzzles come in varying levels of difficulty to match your child’s age and ability. For younger kids, start with large shapes like animals and boats. As their skills improve, introduce more complex shapes and designs. With practice, tangrams help build spatial reasoning, pattern recognition, and perseverance in problem-solving.

2. Pattern Blocks

Pattern blocks are another great manipulative for developing problem-solving skills. Pattern blocks are geometric shapes that come in different colors and sizes, including triangles, squares, hexagons, and trapezoids.

To start, have your child recreate patterns on pattern block templates. This helps them see how the shapes can fit together to form designs. Once they’ve mastered the templates, challenge them to create their own patterns and shapes. This open-ended play boosts creativity, logic, and reasoning skills.

Younger children can start with simple patterns like ABAB patterns (triangle, square, triangle, square). As their skills improve, introduce more complex patterns that require rotating and flipping shapes. Pattern blocks help build skills such as shape recognition, symmetry, and spatial visualization.

For an added challenge, have your child estimate how many of each shape they will need to complete a pattern. This helps develop skills in estimation, number sense, and troubleshooting. With regular practice, pattern blocks are a great way to keep kids engaged while strengthening key cognitive abilities.

3. Mazes and Labyrinths

Mazes and labyrinths are classic troubleshooting puzzles for children. They require logic, reasoning, and planning to navigate paths and escape the maze.

Start with simple mazes meant for younger kids, with large paths, few dead ends, and no intersections. Have your child trace the path with their finger to find the solution. Once they’ve mastered simple mazes, introduce more complex ones with multiple paths, dead ends, and intersections.


For an added challenge, have your child estimate how long it will take them to solve the maze. This helps build their planning and problem-solving skills. You can also time them to try and beat their time, adding an element of excitement and competition.

Mazes help children develop skills such as visual perception, trial-and-error, and the ability to break down complex problems into a series of steps. With regular practice following and creating mazes, kids can become adept problem solvers in many areas of life.

4. Logic Puzzles

Logic puzzles are challenging problems that require deductive reasoning and critical thinking skills to solve. They help build skills such as pattern recognition, making inferences, and evaluating options to determine the solution.

For kids, start with simple logic puzzles like sudoku, minesweeper, or cross sums. These require deducing which numbers or tiles can go in each square based on limited clues. Once your child has mastered these, introduce word logic puzzles like cryptograms or logic grid puzzles.

In logic grid puzzles, kids use deductive reasoning to determine the attributes of different people or objects based on a series of clues. For example, in a 5×5 grid, clues may indicate that “The person in the red house owns a dog,” or “The football player lives in the house with a blue roof.” By process of elimination, your child can determine who owns what and where each person lives.

The key is to start simple and build up as your child improves their logic and troubleshooting skills. Provide guidance and encouragement to help them break down the clues and work through the deductive process. With regular practice, logic puzzles become second nature and help strengthen cognitive abilities that apply to many areas of life.

Logic puzzles teach kids that problems can often be solved in a methodical, step-by-step manner. They learn how to look for patterns, make inferences from limited information, and reason in a logical, strategic way. These lifelong skills will serve them well in the classroom and beyond.

5. Riddles and Brain Teasers

Riddles and brain teasers are a fun way to challenge your child’s problem-solving skills and thinking abilities. They require interpreting clues and hints to deduce the solution, often with an element of trickery or double meaning.

Start with simple riddles and brain teasers meant for children, with straightforward clues and answers. Once your child has mastered these, introduce more complex riddles and teasers with multiple steps or layers of meaning.

For example, you could start with a simple riddle like: “What has hands but no arms and a face but no eyes?” Answer: A clock. Progress to something more complex like:
“The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?” Answer: Footsteps.

Give your child time to reason through the clues and guess the solution. Provide guidance and encouragement to help them interpret the clues in different ways. Let them know if they’re getting “warmer” or “colder” to the right answer.

Riddles and brain teasers challenge kids to think logically and creatively. They learn skills such as interpreting subtle clues, thinking metaphorically, and reasoning by analogy. These skills apply to many areas of learning and complex problem-solving.

With regular practice solving riddles and brain teasers, your child will become quicker and cleverer at deciphering clues and deducing the solution. Their ability to think logically and creatively will improve over time through the process of trial and error and with your guidance. Riddles and brain teasers are a fun way to spend time together while challenging your child’s mind.

6. Lego Challenges

Legos are a classic toy for sparking creativity and problem-solving skills in children. Lego challenges take things to the next level by providing an open-ended problem for your child to solve.

For example, challenge your child to build the tallest tower they can using a limited number of Lego bricks. Or have them build a bridge that can hold a certain amount of weight. Give them constraints like only using red and blue bricks, or not being able to directly connect bricks of the same color.

Lego challenges encourage kids to think logically and strategically to accomplish the goal. They learn skills such as planning, estimating, testing, and revising their designs. Lego play also boosts creativity as children explore different options and combinations to solve the challenge.

For younger kids, keep the challenges simple and open-ended. Provide lots of encouragement and help them think through the process. As their skills improve, introduce more complex challenges with multiple steps. Lego challenges are a fun collaborative activity that brings you and your child together in problem-solving.

With regular practice, Lego challenges teach children to become flexible and persistent thinkers. They gain confidence in their problem-solving abilities through accomplishing each goal. Skills gained through Lego play apply to many areas of learning and life.

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In conclusion, there are many engaging activities you can do at home to strengthen your child’s problem-solving skills. Activities like tangram puzzles, Lego challenges, board games, and logic puzzles provide an opportunity for your child to think logically and creatively while having fun.

With regular practice, these activities help children become more flexible and strategic thinkers. They learn skills such as interpreting clues, planning ahead, testing solutions, and revising their ideas. Children gain confidence in their ability to solve complex problems through accomplishing goals and winning challenges.

Problem-solving is a key skill that applies to many areas of life. By encouraging your child to solve puzzles and play games that challenge their mind, you set them up for success in the classroom and beyond. These activities also provide an opportunity for quality time together as a family.

Keep things interesting by starting with simpler activities and increasing the difficulty as your child improves their skills. Provide guidance and encouragement to help them think through the problem-solving process. With patience and practice, you’ll see their cognitive abilities and logic skills strengthen over time.

Boosting your child’s problem-solving skills at an early age is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. Through fun and engaging activities, you help shape them into flexible, independent thinkers who can thrive in an increasingly complex world. With your support, children gain the tools they need to solve life’s challenges and achieve their full potential.

7. Board Games

Board games are a fun social activity that also helps build problem-solving skills in children. Classic games like Checkers, Connect Four, Guess Who, and Sudoku require logic, strategy, and deductive reasoning to win.

Start with simple board games suitable for your child’s age, with basic rules and short play times. As their skills improve, introduce more complex games that require planning multiple moves ahead and anticipating opponents’ strategies.


For example, in checkers, children have to think strategically to capture their opponent’s pieces and block them from moving into certain spaces. In Guess Who, players ask yes or no questions to deduce which character their opponent has chosen. Sudoku requires deductive logic to determine which numbers go in each square based on limited clues.

Board games teach social skills like taking turns, following rules, and handling competition. They also boost cognitive abilities such as pattern recognition, logical reasoning, and problem-solving. With regular play, board games help children become flexible thinkers and strategic planners.

Playing board games together as a family is a perfect opportunity for quality time while challenging your child’s mind. Kids learn problem-solving skills through the process of trial and error, with guidance and encouragement from parents or siblings. Each game won or lost provides an opportunity to become better thinkers and learn from mistakes.

If you’re looking for an enjoyable activity to boost your child’s cognitive and social development, try introducing a fun, age-appropriate board game for your next family game night. Board games provide learning opportunities and lifelong benefits for children of all ages.

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